Twelve before 2012

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Jake and I were reading through our blogs this morning and we saw that Danni from Oh Hello Friend had posted a list of 12 things that she waned to accomplish before 2012. She invited all her readers to join her and set goals for themselves! Jake and I took up the challenge. I love making lists and setting goals. It really inspires and encourages you to get something done once you’re permanently committed to it by marking it on a list. You can check out Danni’s list and learn more about the Twelve by 2012 project here.
We will share our progress as we check off items from our list. If you’re making a list I would love for you to share it! We only have 79 day left…let’s do it!
Here is our list:

1. Design our Christmas card
2. Make Christmas decorations…anyone have any suggestions?
3. Organize/create an inspiring work space
4. Advertise our design work
5. Get outside more
6. Organize our closet…this is long overdue
7. Make these picture frames
8. Learn a Christmas song on my Ukelele
9. Finish and develop the roll of film in my Grandpa’s old Leica camera
10. Go to Disneyland when it’s all decorated for Christmas
11. Make an apple pie
12. Build a snowman…this one will have to wait until we go to Michigan for Christmas.

Image Source: Oh Hello Friend

Jamie BartlettTwelve before 2012